Payment Factory

Well-known banks and corporates use EFiS Core Euro Bank as a smart and user-friendly web application, which as a payment hub with integrated booking engine centralizes and automates the entire liquidity management of a concern. This allows banks and corporations to serve their entire international bank connections and accounts from a single system. Thanks to a direct connection with the integrated booking system, transactions can be processed without any loss of time or media breaks via automated processes. This allows banks and companies full and comfortable control over their entire cash flow.

By optimizing payment transactions, a variety of savings potential can be realized for companies. Centralization of bank connections, meaning a reduction in accounts and banks, lowers bank charges and administrative costs and strengthens the bargaining positions with the house banks. Consolidating and standardizing systems into one centralized platform enables the reduction of interfaces through a unified database, facilitating system maintenance, training, usage, as well as data collection and analysis. This centralization of cash flows reduces liquidity buffers and thus reduces the interest burden for the company. The EFiS Core Euro Bank optimizes the payment traffic of an organization and makes the liquidity management faster, more efficient, more transparent and up-to-date.

The Payment Factory with an integrated booking engine for an in-house bank