Providing domestic, European and global payment processing, offering outsourcing or in-house based solutions: As a leading independent payment provider we offer our scalable E.F.I.S.® Transaction Platform as a service which delivers a highly performant solution for the payment operations of your company. 30 years of experience in the world of payments enable us to offer you solutions which are adapted to your specific requirements.

Corporate Group

With ABK and EFiS, the Paymentgroup bundles its expertise in payment transactions. Within this group, Paymentgroup GmbH functions as a management holding company, i.e. it not only holds the investments in the subsidiaries but also has management functions and thus cross-company tasks. The resulting synergy effects of the joint work lead to maximum efficiency in the service provision process and thus to a broader range of services.


In times of increasing digitalization and networking of companies, strong partnerships are of high relevance. EFiS is proud of its network of bundled competencies enabling joint growth.